About Hip Twist Dance Studio

Get ready to groove at Hip Twist Dance Studio, Clearwater's vibrant dance hub! From beginners to pros, our experienced coaches and trendy classes have something for everyone. Join our dance family, enjoy social events, and explore exciting opportunities. Let's dance!

Our Philosophy

At Hip Twist, we believe that dancing is not just a physical activity, it's a way of life. Our goal is to create a welcoming and supportive community where everyone can express themselves, learn new skills, and have fun. We are committed to providing the highest quality of coaching, facilities, and services to our members, and we guarantee your satisfaction.

Meet the Team

At Hip Twist, you'll learn from the best. Our dance studio is proud to have a team of highly qualified and experienced dance instructors. With their extensive expertise in various dance styles, they bring a wealth of knowledge and a passion for teaching. Each instructor is committed to helping our students discover their full potential and achieve their dance goals. Get ready to be inspired and guided by these dedicated professionals who make learning to dance an enjoyable and rewarding experience.